
Python, R, & Google Earth Engine

Auyan Tepui Analysis

Skills & Experience



My Intellectual journey across the World, Physically and Digitally


What's New?

Archaeological Field School in Peru

4-Week Program with UF @ Huanchaco, Peru working on the Pampa La Cruz Site:

- Drone Orthophotography

- 3D site layering using Agisoft Metascape & AutoCAD

- Adolescent Sacrifice Osteology with Dr. John Verano

- Artifact Catalogging & Site Excavation with Dr. Gabriel Prieto

Let's not forget: Surfing, Ceviche, and Sun.

SWE Fellowship

A 7-week fellowship with Headstarter AI that involves:

- 5 AI projects

- 5 weekend hackathons

- Frequent seminars with top tech entrepreneurs, $100M+ VC funding

- Guidance from AI Powered interview prep tools

- Connect w/ a community of AI-literate engineers

- Launch AI Based project with the goal of 1000 users

Run Your Buns Off Half-Marathon

During my Spring Semester of 2024 I decided trial-by-fire was the best way to get rid of my running ick. I set up a month-long training routine, stuck to it, and came out of my first half-marathon in under 2 hours.

Andean Lithium Deposit Research

After being paired with Martin Molan as my mentor for an independent research project, we will be taking the first half of the new year to study the occurence of Lithium deposists along the northern edge of the Andean Mountain Range using Google Earth Engine, machine learning data analysis, and R. I will be building upon the work I made in my Tepui Analysis Project